The Princeton Encyclopedia of Self-Determination
Self-determination conflicts are once again on the front burner of international politics. This website provides a basic tool for understanding the key terms associated with self-determination, as well as detailed case studies to highlight how those terms are applied in a selection of conflicts. In order to foster ongoing dialogue and research on topics relating to self-determination, content will be added as frequently as possible and we provide links to current conflicts and issues which are not yet included in the Encyclopedia.
The Encyclopedia Princetoniensis provides a forum for the objective exchange of ideas on issues of self-determination. Our aim is to facilitate both the study of claims as well as their resolution by capturing the multicultural, dynamic dimension of self-determination in today's world.
"It is excellent news that this Encyclopaedia initiative is under way. It will, I have absolutely no doubt, be an extremely valuable addition to the literature on self-determination and . . . will have great practical value for all manner of people who are involved in issues of self-determination."
— Sir Arthur Watts † (1931-2007)